Juni 15, 2010

Maskot Piala Dunia

Ceritanya kan sekarang lagi heboh World Cup banget nih, jadi post kali ini tentang World Cup tapi dengan sudut pandang gue yang gak se’bola’ itu, haha. Berasa banget deh, the hype is happening in all over the world. Everyone is celebrating the greatest moment that is only held once in every 4 year. I’ve always been a fan of World Cup since 1998. Secara World Cup 1994 umur gue masih 5 tahun. Tahu apa gue tentang World Cup umur 5 tahun? Apalagi World Cup 1990. Hahaha. As I told before in my previous post, I’m not really a soccer fan, but when it comes to the World Cup, I’ll go crazy. Jadi gini, ada 3 hal yang paling gue perhatiin tentang event ini: the logo, the mascot, and the official song. Tapi, maskot selalu menjadi perhatian utama gue. Let’s talk about those mascots!

Dari dulu gue selalu perhatiin nih yang gini-gini. Saat negara yang ikutan bidding buat jadi tuan rumah World Cup diumumkan pemenangnya, hal pertama yang langsung keluar di otak gue adalah “Maskotnya kayak gimana ya nanti?” Haha. Aneh mungkin buat beberapa orang. But I always find this thing interesting for me. Katanya maskot World Cup pertama kali itu pas tahun 1966 di Inggris. Sejak itu World Cup punya maskot sampe sekarang.
Gue tau maskot-maskotan tuh pas World Cup 1998 di Perancis yang maskotnya ayam berkepala merah, berparuh kuning, dan berbadan biru. Bagi gue itu bagus, tapi biasa aja. Secara masih 9 tahun, jadi pengamatan gue waktu itu hanya sekedar “Oh itu maskotnya. Si Ayam. Oke.” Gak tau namanya siapa dan apa filosofinya. Haha. Setelah barusan dicek ternyata namanya Footix.

Nah, yang keren nih adalah mascot World Cup 2002: The Spheriks. Gw selalu menganggap Jepang adalah negara yang sangat kreatif, dan saat World Cup diadakan disana (dan di Korea Selatan), itu membuat semuanya tambah keren. The Spheriks is my favorite World Cup mascot. They are a group of 3 aliens that look like 3 shining colorful jellies. Hahaha. Namanya Ato, Kaz, sama Nik. Oh, satu lagi, ada film kartunnya di TV waktu itu. Ceritanya tentang permainan bola ala alien-alien gitu yang bernama Atmoball. Aaah keren banget..!

Sayang World Cup berikutnya tahun 2006 di Jerman maskotnya jelek banget menurut gue. Walaupun dia maskot Piala Dunia pertama, dan sejauh ini satu-satunya, yang nggak kartun. Oh iya dia juga ceritanya punya temen yang adalah sebuah bola yang bisa ngomong. Idih apa banget. Mending bentuknya bagus. Gendut. Ga ada keren-kerennya. Namanya Goleo VI, gue inget banget. Dan si bola temennya dia ini namanya Pille. One more thing that I remember about this mascot, gue pernah baca kalo katanya si Goleo ini adalah maskot yang paling gak laku merchandisenya sepanjang sejarah Piala Dunia dan maskot yang paling banyak menuai kontroversi. Katanya bentuk singa itu justru melambangkan Inggris yang notabene saingan berat Jerman. Dan kontroversi yang paling unik.. tau gak apa? Dia gak pake celana! Jadi si Goleo ini singa berkaos putih with no pants on. Dan katanya banyak orang tua yang protes karena ini mengajarkan anak-anak untuk menganggap bahwa tidak memakai bawahan apapun adalah suatu hal yang normal. Hahahahaha! Agak lucu sih memang alasannya. Padahal si Ayam sama Spheriks bahkan telanjang bulat. HAHAHAHA. Jelek sih lo. Aduh maaf ya Goleo, agak kasar.. Hehe.

Zakumi. Yup yup. Itu adalah maskot World Cup 2010 ini. Seekor macan tutul ganteng berambut hijau dengan hair style seperti Dragon Ball. Hahahaha. Dia memakai kaos berwarna putih bertuliskan South Africa 2010, tetapi kali ini memakai celana! You score on that, Zakumi! Katanya Zakumi ini lahir tanggal 16 Juni tepat pada hari pemuda di Afrika Selatan. Jadi ceritanya pengen mengambil semangat pemuda bla bla bla. Katanya juga, ZA itu kode negaranya Afrika Selatan, dan ‘kumi’ artinya 10 dalam bahasa sono. Pas kan? ZA = South Africa. 10 = representing year 2010. Sarat filosofi banget deh ni si Zakumi. Anda sukses menjadi maskot favorit gue yang kedua setelah Spheriks yang terlalu keren untuk ditandingi. Haha.

Jadi penasaran, World Cup 2014 di Brazil… maskotnya kayak apa ya? Hahaha.

Juni 14, 2010

A Big Year For Me

I have neglected this blog for such a long time due to several reasons. And here I am posting again! Yeah! :D :D

This time is about the year that we are living in right now: 2010. Man, it's big year, at least for me. Lets go through the reasons one by one.

World Cup 2010! Yeaaaaah..! I'm not actually really into soccer, but when it comes to the World Cup, I'll go crazy about it. This time for Africa! That's a part taken from "Waka Waka" the official song for this year's World Cup by Shakira. It's a very nice song. I love it. I'll go for Spain and Brazil as always. But you know what, I think it's time for Asian countries, like Japan maybe (?), to taste the trophy. I mean, they always kiss and lick the trophy when they win it, right? So they literally taste the trophy. Haha.

Indonesian Idol 2010. Yea right.. you may laugh at me. Hahaha. Hey, last year they decided to not air Indonesian Idol, so it's a good thing to have the show back here in Indonesia for the sixth season. The contestants are way much better than the fifth season's contestants. They changed the judges, and one of them is the one and only Agnes Monica! Woohooo.. That makes the show even more interesting and worth watching. Haha.

21 this June. Yes, I', turning 21 on 22 this June. It's exciting, but it's kind of worrying at the same time. I heard people saying that being a 21 years old guy meaning that you are a full grown up ad you have full responsibility on yourself. That sounds somewhat 'heavy' for me. But whatever, everything will be great, I believe.

Graduation!! This October I will be graduated from SBM ITB. These past three years have been crazy both exagerrately and literally. Haha. I am working on my final thesis now. Hoping it will turn out good. Gotta be sure about it.

Having a job? Well, errr, I'm not pretty sure about it. I'ts not that I'm not capable in applying for jobs or haven't thought about it, but it's not really what I dream of doing after I get graduated. The word 'salary', especially when it's floowed with the word 'big', seems to be the only reason for me to keep applying for jobs until now. But if I get accepted, I'll be sure that I'll do my best for the company. What's for sure is that I am not going to work for someone else forever. I gotta start my own business someday.

I guess that's all so far. the next time you come back to my blog, there might be several changes or additional reasons in this post. So don't get puzzled if you do found one. Haha. Have a nice day, readers!
