September 29, 2010
Yakin Lo Keluarga Bieber?
September 15, 2010
OTM? On The Movie?
September 12, 2010
A Dedication To A Dedicated One
September 11, 2010
Virtual Me, Virtual You
I come to think of it, there are so many kinds of people in my Twitter timeline, and I know all of them. If I have to divide them into two groups, it would be ‘those who I know and know me’ and ‘those who I know but don’t know me’. Haha. Yea, you know, celebrities. So, there’s this one interesting thing about group number 1 where not all of them actually really talk to me outside the virtual world. I mean, I’m not that close with them, I just simply know them and they know me, but it’s fun sometimes to just know what those people are up to. The funny thing is that there are some people in group number 1 that haven’t even met me in person! Sounds weird? Yea I know. Well, I know these people, these people know me, but we just never met each other in person. We just know each other from Twitter’s neighbors like Facebook or Tumblr. Now that’s random! Haha. You may laugh at me, but there is actually a reason why I follow them. They’re fun! I like them! They tweet in funny words that can easily make your day, they reblog good pictures on Tumblr, and they can be a good chat friend on YM. And do I have any intention to meet them in person? Well umm, to this date, no. Maybe later. Why? Because I’m afraid. It’s not that I’m afraid of people, or worried that they’re gonna eat me or whatsoever. I’m just afraid that the “real them” are not as fun as the “virtual them”. I’m afraid that the “real them” might change my perception on them. So I like to keep them as my good virtual friends.
That might sound too much, but the point that I’m writing this is because I do personally think that some people are much better in the virtuals, at least in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to be rude or something. I know some people who are not that fun to have a conversation with in real life, but when it comes to tweeting or blogging, dude they’re awesome! They’re actually more witted than I think they are. My respect to them! On the other side, there are some people who are so much fun to talk to eye to eye and spend time together, but their tweets are junks. Sorry for that, again, I don’t mean to be rude. They swear in their tweets, and use some inappropriate words sometimes. And I don’t mind, because if I mind, then I have unfollowed them by now. I love both of them. Again, the point is people can be so much different in the virtual world then they are in the real world. And I do think that people can become who they truly are in the virtual world, because then they have no physical or emotional boundaries to express their feelings and opinions. I know some macho looking guys who would tweet sweet stuffs with cute emoticons! Man, they would not do that in front of you. But hey, deep inside, it’s who they truly are. That made me realize that the “virtual them” are actually the “real them”. Ha!
Remember the oh-very-old-saying “don’t judge the book by its cover” where you may not judge people based on their appearance? Well you’d better listen to that, young man (or woman)! But that is half true because looks are only the front cover of the book! The internet has provided us with the back covers! You know, where all those previews and sneak-peeks about the content of the book are at. Yeah, their social network accounts are the back covers! Having a crush on a handsome boy or a pretty girl? Check their back covers on their Twitter, or Tumblr, or Blogspots, or Facebook! You can get a preview of their personalities from the words they use, the pictures they post, or even their poses when taking pictures. Interesting, huh? How if their social network accounts are private? Send a follow/view request, or simply find friends who have access to view their account. ;)
After reading this post, I bet you start thinking of who you are and what kind of person yourself is in your virtual world. Am I right or am I not? Haha to that! :P
Keep rockin!